In collaboration with our friend Tomoya Nakai from Kazuo Okanoya’s laboratory in Tokyo, we are delighted to put up a one-day workshop on Music and Speech cognition, with a special focus on emotions, in Tokyo, on Monday Nov. 7th 2016.
Month: October 2016

CREAM Lab in Japan 1~8/11
Exciting news: Laura, Pablo, Emmanuel and JJ from the lab will be “touring” (the academic version thereof, at least) Japan this coming week, with two events planned in Tokyo:
- We’ll present our voice transformation software DAVID and our related research on emotional vocal feedback at the “Europa Science House” of the Science Agora event at Miraikan – Dates: Thursday 3 – Sunday 6 Nov, 10:00-17:00 / Venue: Miraikan 1F Booth Aa. This is at the kind invitation of the European Union’s Delegation in Japan.
- We co-organize a public workshop on Music cognition, emotion and audio technology with our friend Tomoya Nakai from University of Tokyo (he did all the organizing work, really), on Monday November 7th. This is hosted by Kazuo Okanoya’s laboratory.
If you’re around, and want to chat, please drop us a line. 「日本にきてとてもうれしい!!」
[CLOSED] Research internship (EEG/Speech/Emotion)
CREAM is looking for a talented master student interested in EEG and speech for a spiffy research internship combining Mismatch Negativity and some of our fancy new voice transformations technologies (here and there). The intern will work under the supervision of Laura Rachman and Jean-Julien Aucouturier (CNRS/IRCAM) & Stéphanie Dubal (Brain & Spine Institute, Hopital La Salpétrière, Paris).
See the complete announcement here: internship-annonce
Duration: 5-6months first half of 2017 (e.g. Feb‐June ’17).
Applications: send a CV and cover letter by email to Laura Rachman & JJ Aucouturier (see announcement). Interviews for selected applicants will be held in November‐December 2016.